Monday, August 25, 2008

Been a while...

a little over a month to be exact, since the breakdown, the bullshit and the ensuing damage control.

I'm in Austin now, thanks to a very generous offer from an old acquaintance from San Diego and Max is with me now. All in all, a fairly easy ride. Except for the expected stresses of jumping out of one life entirely, into another, we've managed, we're still managing and still working toward the future. Couldn't have done it with all of the background static and horseshit of living in two different states. I'm not back yet, not for DList anyway, not entirely. I have more to focus on now than ever before, but for once, I'm doing what's right for me.

I miss my dog. I'm headed back to get him the moment I have a new place to live that I can call my own.